We will help you find the best solutions
This is our promise.
Whiteboards offer something that the others don’t – an additional, valuable writing surface for planning and collaboration. This extra writing surface means you can organise a meeting on the spur of the moment when necessary – there’s no need to bring laptops or ipads and everyone can interact easily.
All of the options, apart from whiteboards, require some kind of construction work. At best, there will be a lot of distracting noise that will affect concentration. At worst, you’ll have work delays and have to extend deadlines due to employees being displaced by workmen.
Another problem with the non-whiteboard options is that they are permanent ‘solutions’. That’s a problem if you have a dynamic business. The great thing about whiteboards is their versatility – you can rearrange them into different configurations depending on current needs.
You can choose between double sided whiteboards, a whiteboard/pinboard or a glassboard/pinboard. Glassboards are more expensive but you never need to worry about staining or ghosting. The beauty of pinboards is that the fabric is specially designed to absorb noise.
All boards come with large, lockable 90 mm castor wheels. This means that they are easy to position – and then the wheels can be locked for stability so that they don’t move once they are in place. Even when you’ve joined whiteboards together to create a ‘pod’, unlinking them is effortless.
Many business owners don’t own the property in which they run their business. Trying to get permission to drill holes in walls or make other changes that will involve construction work might be a bridge too far. Avoid all of this hassle by choosing whiteboards.
Some room dividers are heavy looking, bulky, and intrusive, and can leave you feeling claustrophobic, especially if your employees are used to an open floorplan. Whiteboards, because of their light frame, functionality and versatility, are particularly suitable for open-plan rooms.
Change is Always Challenging
Navigating any kind of significant change in the workplace is challenging. There will almost always be resistance, even if you have perfectly good reasons.
Making things simple by adopting a minimalist approach using whiteboards means that any changes will be less confronting and more likely to be accepted by everyone.
Whiteboards are an ideal option for dividing a room because they allow you to keep an aesthetic sense of space while still allowing you to adapt that space to suit a variety of different functions.
With whiteboards, you can control the utilisation of space, rather than the space dictating to you.
Why choose a JustBoards whiteboard?
JustBoards will help you find the best solutions. We offer Australia wide delivery to your door. Contact us today on 1800 654 917 or at info@justboards.com.au.
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This is our promise.
We proudly offer FREE Ground Floor Delivery to BRISBANE, SYDNEY, MELBOURNE, ADELAIDE, PERTH, HOBART, DARWIN, CANBERRA and many other surrounding metro areas.
Learn moreQuality whiteboards have to be durable, non porous and magnetic, not just white boards.
Porcelain whiteboards are the best choice for heavy duty users such as schools & universities. Porcelain Whiteboards featured a baked enamel surface and have a 25 year surface warranty.
Commercial (acrylic) whiteboards are more economical, for less intense use and are guaranteed with an 8 year warranty
Confidently buy WhiteBoards, Glass Boards, Notice Boards & Educational Products from JustBoards, an Australian owned and operated company providing exceptional service and delivery of quality Educational and Hospitality Products.
The JustBoards team are committed to friendly & efficient service and are always on hand to provide advice via phone call or email.
Based in Brisbane, we deliver Australia Wide with FREE Ground Floor Delivery for all orders over $150 delivered within a Capital City Metro Area and selected surrounding suburbs including the Sunshine Coast & Gold Coast.
Supplying, Schools, Universities, Kindergartens, Child Care Centres, Hospitals, Medical Centres, Airports, Transport Companies, Local State & Federal Government departments, Clubs, Pubs, Cafes, Mining Companies, Coffee Shops, Restaurants, Resorts,Cruise Lines, Police, Fire, Ambulance, SES, Defence Forces, Banks, Shopping Centres