Custom Whiteboards – You Need It, We Make It
This case study shows how choosing and using a custom whiteboard from JustBoards can problem-proof your office meetings.
In October 2021, Julia had just been promoted to Head of Production at a company located in Brisbane. One of her key responsibilities was to lead the ‘Monthly Huddle’ meeting to review product quality.
Her first ‘Monthly Huddle’ didn’t go well because there were problems with using a normal whiteboard. Once she had installed a custom-made whiteboard from JustBoards, she had no more issues.
The Problem
Julia was feeling very uneasy. She’d just finished her first ‘Monthly Huddle’ meeting as Head of Production and it hadn’t gone well at all. The goal of the ‘Monthly Huddle’ was to review product quality and give each product a rating: Pass, Need to Improve or Fail.
She’d been up almost the entire night before the big day trying to make sure that everything was ready. The company CEO and company directors were coming and she wanted to make sure she didn’t put a foot wrong. She planned everything down to the last detail.
But it had all gone wrong, despite her best efforts. The company hierarchy hadn’t looked at all impressed during the meeting. They walked out at the end without saying a word. She was worried that her new position, something she had worked years to achieve, was in jeopardy. And it was all because of the whiteboard.
She’d planned for the meeting to be interactive – where her team leaders would each come to the whiteboard and give their individual evaluations. Then, she would lead a critical analysis of where things were and how they could improve during the following month.
The problem was that when the team leaders came up to give their findings, the whiteboard quickly became a mess. The writing was all over the place. There was no compartmentalisation of the Pass, Need to Improve or Fail ratings, so it became impossible to understand what was presented.
The Solution
Julia knew she needed to rectify things quickly. But how? Should she avoid whiteboards all together and use technology? The last thing she wanted was to be the next presenter to ‘kill’ her audience to through ‘death by PowerPoint.’
She asked around and one of her colleagues suggested that her initial idea to use a whiteboard as a centre point was on the money – where she had fallen down was to use a normal whiteboard rather than a custom made one.
The colleague also said that she had had a great experience buying from JustBoards and that Julia should give them a call. They had several different types of custom whiteboards and she was sure they would have a suitable option.
After listening to Julia’s story, Alana at JustBoards suggested a magnetic Porcelain Whiteboard with Printed Vinyl Overlay and a ‘Visual Management Centre’ layout. The concept included a central section that supported Julia’s review process with coloured sections for Pass, Need to Improve and Fail.

Julia quickly saw the benefits of this design. No more whiteboard mess. No more writing all over the place. No more difficulties with understanding what was presented. NO MORE PROBLEMS! And the fact the board has a 25-year surface warranty was an added bonus.
The Results
After Julia ordered the custom whiteboard, it was delivered and installed within 20 Working Days after Artwork was approved. She was thrilled with the prompt service and the quality of the product. She immediately began planning for the next ‘Monthly Huddle’ meeting, feeling very sure that there would be no more issues.
Fast forward to the next meeting three weeks later. The difference between the two meetings was like night and day. The company CEO was smiling and nodding his head in a positive way throughout. The company directors participated enthusiastically by joining in the conversations.
It all went like clockwork because the team leaders had clear spaces to put their findings. Everyone, including Julia, thought the meeting went very well. She got excellent feedback about it and now she feels confident about every ‘Monthly Huddle’ she leads – because she decided to choose a JustBoards custom whiteboard.
Why choose a JustBoards custom-built whiteboard?
You need it, we make it! To buy a high-quality custom-built whiteboard online, look no further than JustBoards. We offer Australia wide delivery to your door. Contact us today on 1800 654 917 or at