For many businesses, the default way of communicating is by email. But emails definitely have their downside. They are often long-winded, and this problem can be exacerbated when you try to follow a conversation through a lengthy email thread.
Another problem with emails is that staff sometimes forget the basics of email etiquette. Some people insist on trying to engage others in email ping-pong or they cc someone in when it isn’t relevant to the recipient. This can create tension that often escalates and has a negative effect on an office environment.

Pinboards – The Answer to Email Overload
A lot of managers have found that installing a custom pinboard is a great way to deal with ‘email overload’. Once your pinboard is in place, you have a valuable information hub, made to your specifications, that can replace emails as a highly practical and effective way to disseminate information to your staff.
Here are some of the key reasons why it makes sense to buy and use a custom pinboard as an information hub.
1. Pinboards are versatile
When most people think of pinboards, they think of a method for displaying important deadlines, schedules and projects. Of course, they can be used for these purposes. But there are a lot of other innovative ways to utilise your pinboard.
By thinking outside the box, you can open up a whole new world of pinboard possibilities:
- o Work celebrations and parties
Companies are always looking for ways to increase employee motivation. An excellent way to do this is to have a work celebration or party.
Pinboards are perfect for advertising special occasions because you can acknowledge an employee twice – on the pinboard AND at the event. You can show individuals in your team that they are appreciated by celebrating:
- Birthdays
- Personal achievements
- Work anniversaries
- The completion of major projects
- Employee milestones
- o Photos of conferences and workshops
A lot of people these days are in the habit of posting photos on social media. So, it makes sense to encourage the idea of using your pinboard as a social media medium and asking staff to post work related photos that show them enjoying themselves.
These photos can be a starting point for conversations that build friendships and camaraderie among staff, which leads to a deeper level of understanding and trust in your workplace.
- o Promotion opportunities
When a job vacancy opens up, a lot of managers prefer to focus on internal candidates because they are already aware of the organisational culture and important processes and procedures – they know ‘the way we do things around here’.
When hiring internally, the process will go more smoothly if that process is seen to be transparent and fair. Advertising promotion opportunities openly on your pinboard makes it clear that everyone has an equal chance to apply if they want to.
2. Pinboards are interactive
You can use your pinboard as a public interactive forum for employees. Staff can post suggestions, make requests or enquiries and provide feedback.
The key to maintaining interactivity is to keep all information on your pinboard current and up to date. If postings are no longer relevant, people will lose interest in being participatory – and once interest is lost, it’s very hard to get it back.

3. Pinboards are inspirational
Many businesses have found that a great way to encourage employees is to put motivational messages on their pinboard. But it’s important not to make messages sound cheesy or inauthentic. Here is a good example:
It is our differences that bring us together. It is our differences
that make our ideas more meaningful. It is our differences that
create a team that is one of a kind.
It’s also a good idea to post comments that thank staff for their dedication and hard work. By acknowledging accomplishments, you can make workers feel valued and keep them striving for success.
4. Pinboards are attention grabbing
There is definitely a right way and a wrong way to grab someone’s attention. The right way can be to add a decorative frame for a classier look or have your pinboard covered in fabric. The days of being restricted to only using brown cork are long gone. Felt and velour are just two of the cover options available.
The wrong way is to make the board overcrowded or messy. Visual intimidation will lead to people ignoring or avoiding your pinboard, which will defeat the purpose of having one.
Pinboards as a Primary Source of Communication
By choosing to install a custom pinboard and making it a primary source of communication, you have a simple and easy way to create better communication pathways, foster a deeper sense of belonging and help build an enthusiastic workplace environment.
Why choose a JustBoards custom pinboard?
JustBoards will help you find the best solutions. We offer Australia wide delivery to your door. Contact us today on 1800 654 917 or at