The petition called for a change in the purchasing policy of the school, with a focus on quality rather than price. The first action item in the petition was, of course, to purchase and install glassboards in every classroom – no more staining, no more ghosting.
Included in the text was the parents’ concern about the education of their children being compromised, along with the implication that if things didn’t change, they’d have to seriously consider removing their children from the school.
I got some of our most important parents to sign, including members of the school board and leaders of the P&C.
When I produced the petition at the staff meeting, the principal’s jaw dropped. If her position was weak before, it was now untenable.
She knew that one of her key KPIs was to ensure high enrolment numbers – so, ignoring this petition would be career suicide.
The principal, after a few seconds of deliberation, agreed to all the demands in the petition, including the immediate purchase and quick installation of glass whiteboards for all classrooms.
We got our glassboards from JustBoards and I can’t rate them highly enough for price, service and speed of delivery and installation – just outstanding. Now everyone’s happy – teachers, students, parents – and me. I’ve never been so popular – smiles, pats on the back, offers of free beers… Life is good…
Everyone is happy – except for perhaps our principal.
Why choose a JustBoards whiteboard?
JustBoards will help you find the best solutions. We offer Australia wide delivery to your door. Contact us today on 1800 654 917 or at
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