We really liked the fact that they sent us a Custom Artwork Confirmation Sheet. It included an Artwork Proof that showed us the printed graphics they proposed to send us so we could make alterations if we wanted to. The design was so good, we didn’t need to change a thing.
The size – 600 x 400 mm – was what we asked for. They made it magnetic so we could use different coloured magnets for each member of staff. We thought it was clever to make each time column alternate between black and white, making it really easy to see when a staff member leaves and when they will return.
JustBoards also provided some really good accessories we can use on our glassboard, which was an extra plus.
The Results
We use our staff status glassboard daily, and just recently we brought another one for one of our departments. We’re thrilled with our custom designed boards from JustBoards and wouldn’t consider buying from anyone else.
Why choose a JustBoards Glassboard?
JustBoards will help you find the best solutions. We offer Australia wide delivery to your door. Contact us today on 1800 654 917 or at info@justboards.com.au.
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