Planner for the Week – Why Whiteboard Weekly Planners Make Sense
There never seems to be enough time.
For many people, dealing with the concept of time management is a never-ending struggle. Things to do are infinite. Time is finite. Trying to synchronise these polar opposites when life is coming at you at full speed
can be very challenging to say the least.

Challenging that is if you don’t have a strategy in place to cope with all the demands you’re facing.
What about technology as a solution?
In our current digital world, there’s a never-ending stream of app options that are being spruiked by gurus as ‘must haves.’ One of these is weekly planner apps. There are many versions to choose from and all of them have their pros and cons.
The biggest con for a lot of us is that a weekly planner app just adds to the constant pressure society places on us to keep up-to-date with technology. The time you take to learn how to effectively use this app and get used to it can negate any positives it might have.
When it comes to using time efficiently, technology often aggravates the problems we face and makes things worse. So, sometimes in life and business, it’s just better to go ‘old-school’. That’s why choosing to use a whiteboard weekly planner makes sense.
How a whiteboard weekly planner can help
- 1. Too many things to consider
We all have things vying for our time and attention – family, work, social engagements, health, errands. It’s impossible to compartmentalize all of these effectively in our heads.
Whiteboard weekly planners can make sure that everything is laid out clearly so that nothing escapes your attention. You can make sure that every person, issue and responsibility is allocated the right amount of time.
- 2. Sometimes, it isn’t obvious what is important
In the midst of juggling life or when you’re in a rush, sometimes urgent matters are ignored or forgotten. Things that would obviously be important to you in the cold light of day can seem less so in the heat of life’s battles.
Of course, urgent things can crop up unexpectedly. But often you can predict when and where something really important will take place. So, making sure you set aside enough time for these kinds of issues with your weekly planner will reduce the possibility of something blowing up in your face.
- 3. Dealing with people who are time-stealers
We’ve all met and had to deal with these individuals. The ones who think the world revolves around them and you should immediately drop what you’re doing so you can focus on their life, their needs, their problems.
Sometimes this type of toxic behaviour is hard to distance yourself from. You can ask yourself, ‘How can I extricate myself from this situation without being rude?’ Well, what better way than to have your schedule laid out in your whiteboard planner? ‘Sorry, I have to run, I have another appointment.’
- 4. We’re all human
We’re all people. And people make mistakes. And no amount of mindfulness or technology will stop mistakes from happening. We procrastinate, we do what’s easy first, we go for what can give us instant gratification. This means that a common mistake is time mismanagement.
But there’s an easy fix – a way to minimise time mismanagement. Buy a whiteboard weekly planner and plan out your week. Then you can make sure you don’t get bogged down on things like answering non-urgent emails or spending an inordinate amount of time on the phone answering spam calls.

A whiteboard weekly planner = stress relief
There are many reasons why you can get stressed, but the common denominator is usually a feeling being overwhelmed. Outside influences, constraints, things beyond our control but need to be dealt with anyway – these are all things that can make life hectic to the point of being unbearable.
But think about how good life would be if you generally felt that you had enough time for everything.
No more running from one thing to the next thing, without considering how things are working out as a whole. No more blindly allowing your personal and professional lives to encroach on each other.
That’s what life can be like with a whiteboard weekly planner. The ultimate stress reliever.
Making it about YOU
- YOU will be able to get used to focusing on what’s important
- YOU will have a feeling of accomplishment because you’ll be able to get stuff done
- YOU can go seamlessly from one appointment or responsibility to the next
- YOU don’t need to worry about forgetting something, or being late, or being unprepared.
- And most importantly, YOU can make sure you have enough you time. Downtime to relax, have fun, and enjoy life.
Why choose a JustBoards whiteboard weekly planner?
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