The Reaction
It only took one weekend to take out the old divider and install the new acoustic pinboard divider screen. When the students arrived on the following Monday, the new screen was quickly ‘discovered’. Word of this spread and everyone wanted to come and check it out.
In breaktime, the students who weren’t in the divided classroom quizzed the students who were. How was your class today? Were there any noise problems?
The responses were all positive. No more problems with noise, meant no more student complaints, no more questions about refunds, and no more worries about the school having to close down.
One interesting outcome was how teachers decided to use the pinboards. They took student work and pinned it up – students were excited to see their work on display and got their friends from other classes to come and have a look. This display of work quickly became routine for classes who were in the divided classroom.
Amazingly, it got to the point where displaying student work was so popular, students PREFERRED to be in a divided classroom, rather than an undivided one where there wasn’t a pinboard screen.
This was a complete turnaround for us – students went from being upset and confrontational to satisfied and motivated. Our JustBoards acoustic pinboard divider screen definitely saved our business.
Why choose a JustBoards Acoustic Pinboard?
JustBoards will help you find the best solutions. We offer Australia wide delivery to your door. Contact us today on 1800 654 917 or at
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