These pinboards are manufactured from commercial grade quality 100% polyester and are available in multiple combinations for clients interested in a modern look. Because of this, all Suzette and Trilogy pinboards are always made to order.
The key difference between a Suzette and Trilogy pinboard is the type of polyester used. The difference in the materials gives the pinboards a different and distinctive look.
The Suzette material gives its colours a flat, shiny look, with a real sparkle, whereas the Trilogy material has a more subtle appearance. It’s more textured and its colours pick up more light.
If you choose the framed version of either pinboard, the LX Edge frame can be powder-coated in either black or white.
Krommenie Pinboards are our top-of-the-line product and are our most durable and hard-wearing pinboard. If you’re looking for the Rolls Royce of pinboards, this option is for you. Made with a linoleum surface, they’re both mould and mildew resistant, able to resist dust and bacteria collection. Because of the high quality of the construction materials used, all Krommenie pinboards come with a 25 year surface warranty.
The most amazing feature of these pinboards is that the material is self-healing. When you remove pins from the surface, the pinholes quickly vanish, allowing your pinboard to always retain a like-new appearance.
With all of our fabric, size and framing options, our attention to detail, and by providing above and beyond service, JustBoards has become renowned Australia wide for being the go to company for any and all pinboard requirements.
Why choose a JustBoards pinboard?
JustBoards will help you find the best solutions. We offer Australia wide delivery to your door. Contact us today on 1800 654 917 or at
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Cork boards and felt boards last – but porcelain whiteboards last longer. Cork boards can eventually have so many pinholes in them that the surface becomes compromised. Felt boards can have their fabric ripped if someone is careless. Over time, both can start to look old and tired.
Pinboards just can’t compete with the gold standard warranty of a porcelain whiteboard. Most sellers offer a 25-year surface warranty, which just goes to show how durable a porcelain whiteboard is. So, if longevity is your key factor, porcelain whiteboards win hands down.
Consumers generally differentiate between whiteboards and pinboards by looking at the function they were originally designed for. Whiteboards are for writing stuff on and pinboards are for attaching stuff to.
With the advent of the magnetic whiteboard, this shifted the goal posts and changed the game. Steel has strong magnetic properties, and by putting a steel sheet beneath a whiteboard surface, you expand it’s use.
By using a non-scratching magnet or clip, you can post all kinds of things in your office whiteboard like charts, maps, documents and magnetic symbols like arrows and letters of the alphabet.
The materials and technology originally used to make pinboards and whiteboards have evolved considerably, but recently, neither have undergone any major improvements. This suggests both have reached or are close to reaching their apex in quality. So, in this regard, it’s a tie.
Felt pinboards clearly have the advantage when it comes to colour and surface possibilities. They can be covered in any kind of material, making it easy to match your felt pinboard with any room colour scheme or décor.
This is quite a subjective area – your idea of style could be quite different to someone else’s. There’s a school of thought that pinboards look a little bit old fashioned. They might not be conducive to the ‘statement’ you want your office to make if you have heads of business or industry coming to visit.
If you’re looking for a modern, clean, sleek looking choice, the visual appeal of a porcelain whiteboard trumps a pinboard – but there’s an important proviso here. This is only true if you keep your whiteboard in excellent condition.
You might not initially think weight is a big factor – but it is if you need to attach a large board to a partition wall. A partition wall is a non-load bearing wall that separates spaces in buildings. Sometimes, these walls are not designed to have a heavy weight attached to them.
In these circumstances, you may have no choice but to go with a pinboard. Pinboards can weigh as little as 10 grams. If you go with a small porcelain whiteboard, you probably won’t have any trouble – but if you’re looking for a very large board, a whiteboard might be too heavy.
Many businesses, in order to do their bit for the environment, have decided to be eco-friendly in the office, encouraging staff to follow agreed upon green tips. One of the most popular of these is to go paperless, or at least make a major effort to lower the amount of paper being used.
The most commonly posted material on a pinboard is paper, making them obsolete in an environmentally friendly business setting. Whiteboards negate the need to buy paper to print out information to attach to a pinboard. This definitely makes them the greener option.
Why choose a JustBoards Whiteboard or Pinboard?
JustBoards will help you find the best solutions. We offer Australia wide delivery to your door. Contact us today on 1800 654 917 or at
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